Christofer Drew Ingle! My Idol, My Hero, My Inspiration! What I've Grown Up, Gone Through, And Become, Is All Thanks To Him.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

(This is #2 on the list for our Advanced Composition blogging assignment:: Write a response to an article on WriteMag.com)

Plot vs. character
"In writing a children’s book, do characters drive your plot or does your plot push your characters? Some books are considered more plot-driven, while others lean toward being more character-driven. Yet, a good character-driven book is not devoid of plot and the good plot-driven books still have well-formed characters.

What happens, though, if you feel more comfortable creating strong, realistic, memorable characters but you struggle with plotting? Or perhaps, like me, you have no trouble coming up with an interesting, creative plot but have to work harder to show your character’s inner motivation, needs and growth?"
- By Kathryn Lay

This articles really stood out to me, out of all the articles I read. I think Kathryn Lay makes a really good point on what exactly makes a good story. Not only that but if characters make up a good plot or if the plot makes the characters. So my mind started to cook and think about it to an extreme. It was like popcorn in a microwave that was ready to blow. As the timer ran down and it dinged, I came to a conclusion that it takes a plot to make a good story. The plot is what makes up the characters, who they are, and what they will go through. I mean sure, you can have these awesome, butt kicking characters but what happens if they have nothing to do or no story line for them to follow. They pretty much just drift off into limbo (edge of nothingness)
So I strongly agree with Kathryn Lays argument or rather, thought process. As she comes to conclusion its pretty much just based on what kind of read or writer you are and what audience you want to attract. Some people go for the plots but find boring characters who's names are like Albert and Chuck who fight this big seven headed dragon. Otherwise you can have a story like King Hawk who grew up in a rich family but fought for the poor but the story has to do with him just hanging out with friends vacation.
That is my response to this article and I hope others can see it from our point of view but I am not forcing you too. Just give it a thought, see what you make of it.

"This is NEVER shout NEVER blogger, Signing Out. Until next time. Goodnight"

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