Christofer Drew Ingle! My Idol, My Hero, My Inspiration! What I've Grown Up, Gone Through, And Become, Is All Thanks To Him.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Randomness Stuff

(This Is A Side Blog That Does Not Have To Do With Advanced Comp And Is Just To Vent)

So its 1:15am. I'm pretty bored, just resting my head on my pillow, and what better to do then to write on my blog, it seems like the only thing really to do on restless nights. Although it may be on my phone through a pretty sweet app I downloaded off android, its still something just to vent and let whatever organism out there reading this, understand me better.
Well first off let me tell you that today in school was such a dread, I learned absolutely nothing other then I have a stupid science test tomorrow that I will probably only get around a 70% on. I mean I won't argue with that atleast its not a failing grade, right. Although I can't say today was to dreadful, because we did watch House, though I seen that old boring episode already. Other then that nothing great really happened other then figuring out what I was goning to do with my life. Should one focus on schooling or focus on having a relationship. It seems I am always one or the other so I'm going to try to balance both this time. It depends though because I'm going to graduate in around 3months (I hope) so do I go after a girl 2years younger then me and see what happens, be with a girl from another school (which those always seem to last longest) or wait and just look down the halls at all the happy n cute couples, why I long for another person I can really love. What a bummer. Besides doing all this throughout the day, I came home to my over excited dog, licking my face and turning it into a wet rag, I then proceeded to my room to play and online game called Final Fantasy XI (what better things to do then kill brain cells, atleast I'm not out doing illegal things) so I did that for pretty much the whole day. Texted my somewhat cousin Chelsey from minnesota, which is odd because we are only related by our grandma, yet we act as friends, I've seen her twice, and yet we are the closest people ever then we have ever been with anyone else in the family. Maybe I found someone who knows what I go through about finally. Other then talking to her, I been texting Courtney, which is this other girl I like and she's everything I could ask for, but I always feel I'm never good enough, I know its a bad thing to think, but is one to take that chance and see where it goes and possibly lose a friend, or keep it where its at. Maybe its best not to act on impulse and see what happens. So as my night continues on, I check facebook and see Justin Crawley posted his first YouTube video. I thought it was funny. Maybe when I get a chance ill URL it. I look up to JC even if he doesn't think so. Sure I don't talk to him really but he's just a free to go kinda guy to me. He made me think about finally making youtube videos again, but more reality then Anime(cartoon) Music Videos, which I was good at. Although, my cousin chris and I thought bout doing a youtube thing and reviewing videos like RAY William Johnson, which I advise people to check him out because he's hilarious. My cousin Chelsey then got me involed in Skype. So I pretty much got people throughout my life, on Yearbook, Skype, Youtube, Blogger. I wonder what will b next. But anyway, this is where I end my story and say my goodnights to all my fellow bloggers and friends reading this.
(Oh also on a few of my pages/urls to my accounts, I'm going to try and set up a more Formal/Professional, way for people to respond, so its easier to keep intouch, keep an eye out)
Catch phrase time....?
"This Is NEVER shout NEVER Blogger, Until Next Time, Goodnite"
(Ps. Stated in first blog. NeverShoutNever is a band, as well as one of my mottos, but it what so ever has no relation to NeverShoutNevers blog or ideas. It was just a name I thought would be a suiting title and didn't have all day to make)

1 comment:

  1. Man, as cliche as it is, just "follow your heart" and see where it takes you.
