Christofer Drew Ingle! My Idol, My Hero, My Inspiration! What I've Grown Up, Gone Through, And Become, Is All Thanks To Him.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The "FUTURE" Is Near

(This Is An Assignment for Advanced Comp That A Student Assigns Us A Topic To Write About)

Future Plans/Goals

          So for a short term goal, I am probably going to try and get all the homework I missed for either being absent or just haven't been able to get to. I haven't been able to get around to it because I recently lost my grandpa, besides that I also found out my other grandpa has bone cancer, and on top of that my cousin lost two of her friends because they commit suicide. Though I knew them a little, I didn't have a bond like she did with them and I been trying to support her and keep her sane. I'm probably the only one who can as well because most of the other family either doesn't know because shes really keeps to herself, or other family members just tell her "life goes on". This is true but how can it go on if you are in deep pain.
          Other then homework, I plan to find a job before school lets out so I have something when school does let out. I would like to just relax before I went to college, which I really need to get moving on, but I will also need to get some money for expenses or in case my first choice of Oshkosh does not work out. A job will also take away from my current girlfriend who has been the first girl I liked my senior year. Though she will be busy with other things so just all depends how everything is scheduled.
          The last short term goal that I have for myself is that I want to be able to keep in touch with certain people graduating and make sure I tie all loose ends. Other then that I want to go out with forgiving everything and having no regrets at the end of the year.

          My only real, big two long term goals would be that I got to college, and do whatever path I'm allowed to, as well as graduate college. In what I want to major in is still really undecided but my main two I'm looking at is something to do with arts and animation or I may do whatever every little kids dream is to be, a firefighter.
          My other long term goal would be to try and find that one girl that treats me right and I can possibly settle down with. I thought I found that one about a year ago but I guess things just don't work out how you want them. Of course I don't want to think that I hope my current girlfriend could be that one, because then if something does happen, I don't want to be heart broken like I was before. I guess all I can do is hope for the best.

This Is NEVERshoutNEVER Blogger. Until Next Time. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. What ever you end up doing in life I know you will be successful.
